
Family van Rijssel – Vd Linden have a dairy farm and pig farm together.

Sandra tells:

We are very happy with the teat Feeders and especially the fact that they are most easier to clean and keep clean.
After every feeding, we rinse the buckets with water and they look super nice and clean again.

Since February, we have also been using the ecf 6 Feeders. These are equipped with a fixed suspension system and 2 tilt systems. We think the Swing Over system is great. The tray always hangs by the right calf group and drains nice and dry. After each feeding, we also rinse these with water and then hang them back and turn the trays upside down.

The teats are very stiff, so the calves take in the milk slowly. They really have to put in the effort, which can be seen in their saliva production. So we only give them a Wennemars teat after 4 days of age.
Recently, we also started using Wennemars colostrum yellow teats, which are a bit more flexible so the milk does enter slowly, but the calf has to make less of an effort and can get used to the teat.

We are very satisfied and enthusiastic about the system and the products! We can recommend it to everyone!


