Our dairy farm, which covers 72 hectares of land and is home to 200 dairy cows, is situated on the outskirts of the village of Oudleusen, in Overijssel. Together, our family Dick, Reineke, Kaylee, Dean – and our employees work proudly, passionately, and tirelessly
In 2003, an opportunity arose to start selling Keenan feed mixers. This resulted in a opportunity to diversify of our company alongside the established dairy farm, in which we put our focus on physical nutrition – the way feed is provided to the cows. Every day, we encounter the complex challenge of successful cow management, with nutrition being a key component. With the dairy farm providing the basis, the Keenan feed mixer could be tested extensively. As livestock farmers, we can’t sell a product if it isn’t up to the highest standards. Our many satisfied customers continue to supply us with the energy required to perform to the high standards.
In 2008, we were introduced to Milkbar. We tried the product on our own farm. Back then, there were no teat buckets with more then one teat on the market. Once again,we focused on physical nutrition,
We needed a calf feeding system that was easier to clean and was secured at the correct height to stimulate a natural drinking position. Plus a lid that would prevent the milk from becoming contaminated. In 2018, after several years of development, we introduced our own calf feeding system: Enjoy Calf Feeding. This is a system that truly embodies the way in which we want to feed our calves. It is a user-friendly system. A system that helps us and other dairy farmers to ensure the highest quality in calf rearing. A system that revolveld all around the calf.
Although developing your own calf feeding system doesn’t come without risks, it does offer the opportunity for quick adjustments and innovations. After all, providing a customised solution for every farmer is vital to us. Today, we can proudly state that our ECF calf feeding system has been a success. We are delighted to hear from happy livestock farmers about their experiences using our equipment.